A PERSHORE first school has been judged 'satisfactory' by government inspectors.

But Cherry Orchard First School also scored two good ratings in its latest report from Ofsted.

The inspectors said the school had strengths in pupils' personal development, which was a result of 'good quality pastoral care, which parents greatly appreciate'.

In their report the inspectors said: "One parent summarised the views of many by saying 'the school offers a friendly, caring environment where staff are always ready to listen.' Consequently pupils feel safe and secure and enjoy school.

"Behaviour is good and positive attitudes are evident as pupils eagerly take part in lessons. They willingly answer questions and say that knowing the aim of the lesson helps them to do better with their work."

The inspectors continued: "The pupils also say teachers provide them with helpful advice about how to improve, particularly in writing."

The report judged the school as satisfactory in its overall effectiveness, effectiveness of foundation stage, achievement and standards, teaching and learning, care and guidance, and leadership and management.

The school received good grades for personal development and well-being, and curriculum and other activities.

Headteacher Sarah Bitcon said: "We were very pleased Ofsted recognised the progress the school had made since the last inspection. The team acknowledged our good curriculum and the excellent way we are for our children.

"We are committed to the continued improvement of standards and are excited about the future."

The inspectors praised the pupils at the school. They said: "Pupils are happy, cheerful and polite.

"They know how to keep safe and the school is a calm, orderly community where behaviour is good.

"Pupils confidently say there is little bullying, and that when it does occur it is sorted out quickly. Because of good relationships, pupils know they are valued and have positive attitudes towards learning."

The report added: "Virtually all parents have confidence in the school. As one commented, 'We are very lucky to be able to send our children to this school."

Overall effectiveness: ** (of four)
Effectiveness of Foundation Stage: ** (of four)
Achievement: HHII Development: *** (of four)
Teaching: ** (of four)
Curriculum: *** (of four)
Care and support: ** (of four)
Leadership: ** (of four)

What the school does well

  • Teachers use interactive whiteboards well to interest and involve pupils in learning.
  • An extensive range of well-attended clubs and activities, visits and visitors promotes personal, physical and cultural development well and contributes to pupils' good understanding of how to stay safe, fit and healthy.
  • Procedures for safeguarding pupils, including those for child protection, are robust. Good relationships and the warm, friendly, family ethos contribute greatly to pupils' good personal development, safety and well-being.
  • The head has made a good start in evaluating the quality of provision, and systems, such as the detailed tracking and target-setting system, have been implemented to improve pupils' progress and also to raise standards.
  • Children's personal, social and emotional development is given priority. This means children settle quickly into school, are happy and enjoy learning.

What could be improved

  • Make sure assessment information is used carefully to plan activities that meet the needs of all pupils.
  • Raise standards in mathematics in Years 3 and 4, and writing throughout the school, by giving pupils more opportunities to practise their literacy and numeracy skills in different subjects.
  • l Develop a rigorous approach to monitoring and evaluation that focuses clearly on pupils' learning and involves all with leadership responsibility.